How Microcredentials Are Revolutionizing the Higher-Education Business Model

Kristin Hultquist and Stephanie Murphy author latest education issue brief for the Manhattan Institute

HCM Strategists CEO and Founding Partner Kristin Hultquist, along with State Policy and Research director Stephanie Murphy, have authored the latest issue brief for the Manhattan Institute, How Microcredentials are Revolutionizing the Higher-Education Business Model. This installment, part of a broader series, offers recommendations for higher education board members to rethink their approach to today’s students and evolving educational trends.

Their analysis focuses on the integration of high-quality microcredentials in universities to better serve students who are increasingly looking beyond the traditional four-year degree model. As public universities adapt to shifts in learning methods and information access—disrupting the conventional higher education business model—trustees must take the lead. Their role is crucial in ensuring graduates are equipped with the adaptability and skills necessary for success in a rapidly changing job market

Read the report here.


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