The latest from HCM
News + Updates
Critics Weigh in on Performance Funding, But Agree that the HCM Report is "Helpful"
In an article by Paul Fain of Inside Higher Ed, critics weigh in on the issue of performance funding and its risks. While some are still skeptical, they agree that the newly released HCM report is helpful.
Beyond the Politics of Testing: American Students Need Help, Not Political Posturing
Hill article authored by Terrell Halaska Dunn on No Child Left Behind
Test Case: Lawmakers Look to Revamp No Child Left Behind
U.S. News and World report article featuring Terrell Halaska Dunn
Chasm Over No Child Left Behind
Wall Street Jounral article: HCM Partner Terrell Halaska weighs in on the first Senate hearing regarding re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, better known as No Child Left Behind.
Founding Partner Kristin Hultquist (formerly Conklin) Nominated for PWIA Award
Kristin Hultquist (formerly Conklin) nominated from the Professional Women in Advocacy (PWIA) for “Excellence in a Federal Issue Campaign”
Maximizing Resources Papers Released
Maximizing Resources for Student Success focuses on improving student outcomes and affordability at comprehensive four-year institutions through four strategic investigations. The project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, paired top researchers with experienced institutional leaders to develop studies that include a review of the evidence base, institutional examples, and implementation recommendations for higher education leaders.
No Sacred Cows in Reforming College Financial Aid
Link to Roll Call article: HCM’s proposals for restructuring financial aid are supported by Jenna Robinson and Kimrey Rhinehardt in Roll Call.
Kristin Hultquist (formerly Conklin) Testifies to House and Senate
HCM founding partner addressed ways to simplify the federal financial aid system before committees in the House and Senate.
Stop Penalizing Poor College Students
A NY Times Op-Ed coauthored by HCM’s Kristin Hultquist (formerly Conklin) addresses barriers the current Pell grant system creates.
The Presidents Proposal Aligns with HCM Recommendations
Article on The Chronicle of Higher Education: Getting American higher education focused on the needs of students rather than the needs of institutions.
Paper Calls for Simplifying Aid
Inside Higher Ed covers the release of HCM Strategists’ Financial Aid Technical Panel Report Doing Better for More Students.
Condense and Simplify Federal Aid Programs to Help Students, Group Suggests
The Chronicle highlights the student-centered reforms called for in the recently released HCM Strategists Technical Panel Report, Doing Better for More Students.
Helping Degree Seekers Finish What They Start
The New York Times article about coalition-led report release American Dream 2.0
Halaska & Snyder: Confused over "Accountability & Flexibility"
Washington Times article by Terrell Halaska Dunn & Martha Snyder
Wake up Rip Van Winkle, the College Demographic Revolution Is Upon Us
Huff Post College article co-authored by Terrell Halaska Dunn and Kirstin Hultquist
As If Your LIfe Depended On It
HCM partners argue that health and education issues are not receiving the attention, focus and resources they deserve.
Increase College Completion Rates
Huff Post op-ed co-authored by Terrell Halaska Dunn & Kristin Hultquist