The latest from HCM
News + Updates
New Tackling Transfer Blog Series Launched With Inside Higher Ed
Announcement of new blog series on Transfer with Inside Higher Ed
New Op-Ed Released as Part of Tackling Transfer Initiative
Announcement about Tackling Transfer Initative
In The News: Report: Focus Funding on Colleges Best Able to Help Unemployed
Inside Higher Ed article featuring Kristin, Martha and HCM
In The News: Lara Couturier: As Higher Education Navigates a New Normal, Don't Let Transfer Students Waste Time and Money
Real Clear Policy article by former staff member Lara Couturier
News Alert: Analysis: A Different Type of Bracketology — How Teams That Would Have Made the 2020 NCAA Tournament Score in Equity
The 74million article by Jessica Collis and former staff members Danielle Zaragoza and Elizabeth Salinas
News Alert: Need Help Sorting Through the Avalanche of Online Resources for Kids Who Are Now Learning at Home? 11 Sites for Parents to Look At
The 74million article on online resources for kid featuring Cindi Williams and Learning Heroes
In The News: Expanding stakeholders key if Utah plans to revisit higher ed goal, consultant says
News article featuring Jimmy Clarke
In The News: FAFSA: Ask any college student. The federal student aid application is needlessly complex.
News article in USAToday co-authored by Kristin Hultquist
Promising Policy Video Series: Louisiana’s Commissioner of Higher Education Dr. Kim Hunter Reed discusses the importance of increasing equitable attainment
Promising Policy video series featuring Kim Hunter Reed, Louisiana Commissioner for Higher Education