The Transfer Reset: Rethinking Equitable Policy for Today’s Learners by the Tackling Transfer Policy Advisory Board

Countless students would agree: transfer does not work. Despite sustained efforts to “fix” transfer over the past several decades, the current system continues to produce dismal, inequitable outcomes and unnecessary roadblocks that thwart students’ educational goals.

To challenge the status quo, the Tackling Transfer Policy Advisory Board released a set of strong and clear recommendations for systems change, with an emphasis on state, system and federal policies, that dismantle inequitable transfer policies and build a new approach designed to center students and the recognition of their learning as they transfer across institutions and move through their varied lived, work and learning experiences beyond high school.

The state, system and federal policy recommendations span three interrelated areas:

  • Harnessing data for transformational change;

  • Maximizing credit applicability and recognition of learning; and

  • Advancing strategic finance and impactful student aid.

Because transfer is a notoriously complex challenge, the Board further undergirded its policy recommendations with a set of stakeholder engagement strategies designed to drive reform and solid implementation by building a supportive ecosystem and political will.

The Board, with its partners in Tackling Transfer (HCM Strategists, Sova and the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program), aims to create and cultivate a sense of responsibility for transfer student success that transcends the confines of organizational boundaries and job titles. We aim to reset transfer. We hope you’ll join us.

To access the full report, click here

To access the executive summary, click here

To access a two-page summary, click here

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